You probably already know that thousands of individuals and families in Middle Tennessee have trusted Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law for assistance in navigating the long-term care journey. What you may not know is that the firm is quietly working behind the scenes to make Hendersonville, Sumner County, and Middle Tennessee a better place for everyone. We’ve been part of this community for 30 years,” said Dana Hentschel, the firm’s outreach coordinator who leads many of the firm’s community initiatives. “We give back because that’s what leaders do.”
Free Estate Plans for Veterans and Healthcare Workers
In late 2020, the pandemic prompted Takacs McGinnis to give back to our healthcare heroes with free estate plans. In 2021 this initiative extended to veterans. Through these events, Takacs McGinnis created comprehensive estate plans (wills, powers of attorney, and advance directives) for more than 30 people.
Alzheimer’s Tennessee Sock Drive
In the fall, Takacs McGinnis sold brightly colored socks to raise nearly $500 for Alzheimer’s Tennessee during their Sock Out Alzheimer’s campaign. “We all had a great time selling these socks, wearing them, modeling them, and taking fun pictures,” Dana said. “People went crazy for the orange ones at University of Tennessee football games.”
Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. Spearheaded by attorney, partner, and retired Marine Chris Johnson, Takacs McGinnis served as a collection point for the 2021 drive, collecting 175 toys that were distributed by Shalom Zone to children in Sumner County.
Santa for Seniors
Takacs McGinnis put out the call for pick-me-up gifts for residents of local long-term care facilities and the community responded by donating more than 65 gifts that Dana delivered to NHC Hendersonville, NHC Sumner, Capstone, Elmcroft, Hickory Hills, The Hearth, Clarendale, Park Place, Red Cedar Glen, and Legacy Village. “The staff members at these facilities were all surprised and appreciative,” Dana said. “They knew right away which residents would benefit most from these pick-me-up gifts. They couldn’t wait to play Santa.”
Community Education
Takacs McGinnis has long been dedicated to boosting community awareness about issues related to estate planning, elder law, and the long-term care journey. In 2021, the firm hosted monthly educational webinars on topics including asset protection, the SECURE Act, VA benefits, Medicare, Powers of Attorney, and more. Many offered continuing education credits for social workers, along with tools to help them better serve their clients. The firm’s attorneys, elder care coordinators, and public benefits specialists also gave more than three dozen in person presentations to civic and community groups throughout the year. Dana Hentschel, a PAC trainer working in partnership with Mental Health America Midsouth Chapter, made more than a dozen presentations to home health organizations, caregiver support groups, and the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department. “We offer all of these services for free,” Dana added. “We will speak for free to anyone who wants to hear us, and these events can be done in-person or via webinar.”
If you’re interested in participating in any of Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law’s community initiatives, contact Dana Hentschel at 615.824.2571 or dhentschel@tn-elderlaw.com.