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Do I Need an ID for Dad?

Your dad is ill and no longer drives so you assume that he doesn’t need to renew his driver’s license. That may be true, but you may want to make sure that he still has some form of identification. There may be several reasons why you will want your parent to have a valid ID.

Identification is required just about everywhere you go these days. It will be required at the airport, and although you may think it unlikely that your parent will travel anywhere again, you just never know. Your mom or dad may need to show an identification card at the bank, or in a store when making a purchase with a credit card. It may be required at a hospital or doctor’s office or when picking up a prescription at your local pharmacy. Having a valid ID can also help protect a senior against identity fraud.

Your local DMV or state motor vehicle agency is usually the place to go to obtain a state identification card. You may need to provide your social security number, proof of your birthday and residency, have your photo taken and pay a small fee.

In the state of Tennessee, two types of identification (ID Only) licenses may be obtained through the Driver Services Division of the Department of Safety. No testing is required, and the IDs are not valid for operation of a vehicle. The first type is an “Expiring Identification License” that is issued to any person without a valid driver license who meets all requirements needed to obtain a driver license. For anyone 65 or older, the ID does not expire. The second type is a “Permanent Identification License” for anyone who is physically or intellectually disabled. The person must provide a statement from the doctor stating they are unable to operate a vehicle.

To apply for either type of Tennessee identification card, you will have to visit your local TN Driver Services Center, and bring several documents with you including:

  1. Your U.S. driver’s license or any ID cards you have including out-of-state cards

  2. Proof of your U.S. citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate or U.S. passport

  3. A primary identification document such as your original birth certificate or current U.S. passport

  4. A secondary identification document such as your health insurance or social security card

  5. Proof of name change if your current name is different than your primary proof of identity

  6. Proof of your TN residency such as a recent utility bill, bank statement or mortgage receipt

  7. Your Social Security Number

Another reason for your parent to have an identification card is for peace of mind. Carrying a license in your wallet is something many people do for decades and to no longer have that card, can leave a person feeling a little lost or anxious. Just having the card may provide your dad with a much-needed sense of security.

Do your homework and plan ahead before you visit your DMV to obtain an Identification Card.  Gather your documents and make sure you have original or certified copies as photocopies will not be accepted. Your parent may not ever need their identification card but it’s best to have one just in case!

Questions? Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law may be able to help. Just give us a call at 615.824.2571.



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