Most people want to live independently in their own home for as long as possible. But what if it’s no longer suitable for your parents and their changing health care needs?
Before you begin a conversation about the need for your parents to move, if not immediately, then sometime down the road, realize that you may be met with resistance. Instead of speaking directly about their situation, you may find it easier to introduce the topic in a general sense. Asking questions such as “Did you see the new seniors’ complex being built?” or “Did you hear that Mary’s mom moved to a smaller place?” can open the door to a conversation and help you gauge their reaction. Depending on their response, you may feel more comfortable following up with a more personal question such as “Have you thought about where you would like to live in your 70s, 80s or 90s?”
Don’t despair if your parents refuse to talk to you about it and they’re adamant that you’ll have to take them out of there in a pine box. You can continue to research and become aware of the different living options that will be available to them should they have to move due to a hospitalization or if they can no longer make decisions for themselves because of a condition like dementia.
Depending on where your parents live, you’ll have different choices available which will also depend largely on what they can afford. Various living arrangements to consider may include:
A smaller home or apartment
If your parents currently live on a large farm or in a multi-level home where they raised many children, a smaller home or apartment may be more manageable.
Moving in with a relative
Does anyone in the family have an in-law suite where your parents could still have their own space and independence but be close enough to others should they need any help?
Having someone move in with them
Is there an adult child willing to move in and take on a caregiving role?
A senior’s retirement complex or assisted living
Facilities may exist in your community that assist with housekeeping, cooking, personal care, medication management, and more.
Nursing homes
If your parents cannot manage the activities of daily living on their own and require more advanced medical care due to a chronic illness, a nursing home placement will likely be necessary to provide the level of support they need.
Memory care facilities
More and more communities that specialize in dementia care are popping up to address the increasing demand for people with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia.
As your parents start to age, it’s a good idea to initiate a conversation around their goals for where they want to live out their later years, and how you can help them meet those goals. Even if they’re not open to the idea of moving, having some awareness of different options available to them will help you down the road should a move be necessary.
If someone you love is on the cusp of needed different living arrangements due to advancing age, long-term illness, or disability, Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law may be able to help. Just give us a call.