If you’ve been caring for an elderly loved one for a long time, chances are good that you’re having a lot of thoughts and feelings about your situation. Doubt. Terror. Panic. Incessant worry about your loved one’s safety.
Family caregivers who come to Takacs McGinnis for their initial meeting tell us they’re feeling these things.
When they leave, however, they usually feel very different. They’re often smiling. The relief shows on their faces. It’s like a huge burden has been lifted. They appear lighter, happier, and more hopeful about the future.
What is it about meeting with a Life Care Planning Law Firm like Takacs McGinnis that is such a remarkable mood elevator?
For nearly all of our clients, they’re relieved because they’ve finally found a solution for a problem that, in some cases, they couldn’t even name. An elderly loved one needs care. The family provides it. That’s just what families do, right? You hunker down and do what needs to be done while trying to ignore the fear, doubt, stress, and overwhelming burdens.
By the time most people come to see us, they’re near their breaking point.
For some people, breaking the isolation is a major factor. Their meeting witih Takacs McGinnis might be the first time they’ve spoken openly and frankly about a loved one’s eldercare challenges. Talking to skilled and compassionate people familiar with the twists and turns of the long-term care journey has a calming effect on even the most stressed-out caregivers.
Other families tell us that our team approach is what gives them peace of mind. People love the fact that we have attorneys, care coordinators, public benefits specialists, and other professionals working together to help them address all of their needs and worries
For many clients and families, the presence of the elder care coordinator is what really seals the deal. When it comes to communications between a client’s family and the firm, the elder care coordinator plays a pivotal role. The elder care coordinator is the family’s primary point of contact with the firm. No matter what issue, question, or concern people have, the elder care coordinator makes sure that the right member of the team is addressing each issue. Though the elder care coordinator serves as the point person, at some point, any staff member could have contact with a client.
Knowing that their support team is just a phone call away inspires confidence in clients, especially when it comes to making decisions about care. Takacs McGinnis is plugged into the local network of senior service providers, which means the firm is equipped to match the right provider to each client’s situation. Though Takacs McGinnis has much in common with other providers of services to older adults, the firm is not paid by Medicare or an insurance company. Takacs McGinnis’ role is somewhat different because the firm represents the older adult, serving as an advocate who holds care providers and others accountable.
Behind the scenes at Takacs McGinnis, formal and informal communication channels keep things running smoothly, aligning everyone’s activities in service of each clients’ goals. Takacs McGinnis’ data management software gives the team access to information about client cases and the firm’s open-door policy makes it easy for staff members to address issues.
Ultimately, it’s the quality and quantity of communication—with the client and within the firm—that makes Takacs McGinnis uniquely suited to guide families during the long-term care journey.
Could you use help with an older loved one’s care? Takacs McGinnis is here for you. Call 615.824.2571 to schedule a consultation.